Material is processed at the B+T site in DeunaFirst delivery from Italy
From now on, materials from northern Italy will also be processed into substitute fuels at the processing plant in Deuna. Last Thursday, 09 March 2023, a first delivery of 150 tons reached the B+T Group site on the premises of Dyckerhoff GmbH, Deuna plant. The special feature: The delivery was made by rail over rails.
“We received an initial delivery of three rail cars with 50 tons of material each,” reports Dr. Bernd Hoffmann, Managing Director of the B+T Group. These first 150 tons serve as a dress rehearsal for the operations of the more than 1,000-kilometer route from Pisa to Thuringia. In the future, 300 tons of material will be delivered to the processing plant in Deuna every week, according to Dr. Hoffmann.
Connecting the site to the rail network will save more than 50 truck trips from Italy each month. “From an ecological perspective, delivery by rail is an immense advantage,” emphasizes Dr. Bernd Hoffmann.
The weekly 300 tons come from a take-back system run by the Italian healthcare system. For example, disposable gowns and nonwovens from hospitals are sterilized in special facilities and then shredded to a standard size. “We then receive pieces that are a maximum of 50 millimeters in size,” says Ronny Hanstein, B+T operations manager in Deuna. These are then processed in the processing plant into substitute fuel for the Deuna cement plant – and made available directly via a conveyor belt.
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