We are part of the following organisations in the waste and disposal industry
As a member of ASA e.V. we’re always well informed about the newest discoveries regarding the innovative treatment of waste through substance-specific solutions. Furthermore, there is a constent exchange of experiences and knowledge in this area.
Learn more about ASA e.V. www.asa-ev.de
The bvse-Entsorgergemeinschaft e.V. is one of the biggest waste management associations in Germany. As a member of this association, we as certified waste management company offer intelligent recycling and disposal solutions at the highest level of quality. That means not just adhering to legal minimum standards but establishing our own quality criteria in important areas. Thus we demonstrate a clear profile with an outstanding cost-performance ratio, flexibility, and an unequivocal priority on quality, ecology and customer orientation.
Learn more about bvse-Entsorgergemeinschaft e.V. www.bvse.de
The German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. (DWA)) advocates intensely for the development of a safe and sustainable water and waste industry. As a politically and economically independent organisation, it employs its expertise in the areas of water, wastewater, waste and soil conservation. The circa 14,000 members consist of experts and leaders from local authorities, universities, engineering offices, public authorities and businesses. We have been a member of the DWA since 2013.
In Europe, the DWA is the association with the most members in this field and takes a prominent position thanks to its particular expertise regarding legislation, education and information for both experts and the general public.
Learn more about DWA www.dwa.de
Furthermore, we are attended by the Entsorgergemeinschaft Regionaler Wirtschaftsverkehr (EGRW) e.V. As a waste management company, all waste management activities are certified. Moreover, we are professionally informed and advised in all relevant areas.
Learn more about EGRW www.egrw.de
ITAD represents the interest of operators and owners of thermal waste treatment facilities (classic communal waste incineration plants, residue-derived fuel power plants and sewage sludge incineration plants).
ITAD informs about the advantages of thermal waste treatment plants compared to other methods of waste treatment through public relations, research projects and much more.
Learn more about ITAD www.itad.de
The Verband der Industriellen Energie- und Kraftwirtschaft e. V. (VIK) has been the association of industrial and commercial energy consumers in Germany for more than 60 years. It lobbies for the legitimate interests of industrial and commercial energy consumers in this complex situation in Brussels, Berlin, the German federal states as well as with public authorities and the utility industry.
The VIK advises us on questions of interpretation and implementation of current legislation and supports all its member companies in energy-related decisions.
Learn more about VIK www.vik.de